Friday, November 14, 2008


I'm sitting in bed with my two best friends at the beach and we are watching chronicles of narnia.
I cant help but see my life in this movie, with the four different characters.

in so many ways i'm like peter and let the pride and leadership things take control. it blindsights me. what i say goes and its just silly. but its part of it.

in many other ways i become like susan and become so logical and legalistic. my thoughts turn to facts rather than faith and i begin to doubt.

but then i am so much like edmund and am willing to sell things out for something good. something better. im willing to sacrifice someone else to save my life. i only look out of me and not for the good of others.

and lastly in so many ways i am like lucy. the child like faith takes me to beautiful places. it gives me joy and peace. i am cute and funloving but just love on other people. the love i have for them and other things shines brightley in the way i walk in talk.

but no matter what character i am
or yesterday
i still need an aslan
my aslan that will go to the stone table for me
i couldnt live my life without him
and without his perfect sacrifice i would have died.
without that perfect sacrifice
he couldnt have befundled the white witch
and saved my life from death.
without him i would have lost the battle.
without him i wouldnt have learned to love

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